速報APP / 工具 / Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Remi

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Remi





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Bagsvaerdvej 90 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖1)-速報App

Notepad is an easy-to-use notes app for Android, optimized for after-call note taking. This clear and simple digital notebook allows you to make quick notes and checklists to help organize your life with great ease.

Notes can be sorted by date or title to help you keep them in order and a useful search function will help you find specific notes if you have many saved. All notes can easily be shared with others via your email account or various social media platforms, and a useful note-taking feature on an after-call screen allows you to make notes immediately following every phone call made or received, so that you don’t forget any important details.

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖2)-速報App

The useful checklist function allows you to keep clear lists such as shopping lists or task lists, but also allows you to cross out items on the list when they are completed, without having to delete them, in case you need to refer to the original list later.

An advanced caller ID function not only gives you detailed information on phone calls, including numbers not in your contact list, but then gives you quick and direct access to Notepad should you need to make notes immediately after phone calls and not forget any important details.

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖3)-速報App

Notepad Key Features:

• Make clearly presented notes which can be sorted by time or name

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖4)-速報App

• Easy checklist function where completed items can be marked as ‘done’.

• Useful search function for those difficult-to-find notes

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖5)-速報App

• Backup and restore options which can be used at any time

• Quickly share notes with others via email or various social media platforms

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖6)-速報App

• Real-time caller ID function with useful spam detection

• Direct access to Notepad from the after call-screen to help you remember those important details from the phone call

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖7)-速報App

For your privacy and data protection we do not have access to any of your notes or store any of the information contained within them. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly use the useful backup feature on this app to avoid the accidental loss of any important information.

Notepad – Write Notes, Checklists & Reminders(圖8)-速報App